Friday, January 2, 2009

Lets ambush Hamid Albar and Lokman Noor Adam on ISA issues - Malaysiakini

For the last few days, there was a banner at Section 9 Shah Alam promoting a talk on "Masih Relevankah ISA" by Hamid Albar and Lokman Noor Adam. This talk was organized by KDN and - an UMNO linked website. And after Friday prayer just now, there was some fliers at the Masjid Negeri Shah Alam promoting the event. So maybe this is a good oppurtunity for all anti -ISA to ambush Hamid Albar and Lokman Noor Adam on the ISA issues... at their own turf.... prepare your 'KILLER' questions....!!!

This is the details of the event I copied from the website... :

Anjuran: Shah Alam Free Speech
bersama Kementerian Dalam Negeri

Tarikh: 4 Januari 2009

Hari: Ahad

Masa: 8 - 12 malam

Tempat: Dewan Jenjarum, Seksyen 11 Shah Alam

Ahli Panel: YB Dato' Seri Syed Hamid Albar
Saudara Lokman Adam (Bekas Tahanan ISA)

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