After Majlis Fatwa made a ruling on Tomboy, there was a few groups and people protesting about it including many of the Non Muslims NGO who made comments which as a muslim, I felt insulted... They made comments without understanding what is a FATWA... which really made themselves look like FOOLS...
Amongthose who made comments are..:
Jueheng - Tom-boy-ism : My Body, My Choice, Fatwa Ruling (Decree) contravenes UN Convention
Ivy Josiah,Tomboy-ism: My body, my choice Katagender, Food Not Bombs as well as the following 19 individuals: Cheneille Neo Ming Yi, Dahlia Martin, Eugene Ch'ng, Lainie Yeoh, Lee Wei San, Lee Jia Hui, Leow Mei Chern, Mohd Rizman, Nurul Amani Faizal Poodien, Puan llli Farhana, Puan Azreen Madzlan, Shikeen Arif, Thilaga Sulathireh, Wan Azhar Bin Wan Ahmad Wong Chai Yi, Yusmar Mohd Yusof and Zedeck Siew.
Fatwa ruling contravenes UN conventionWomen’s Candidacy InitiativeAzrul Mohd Khalib , SANGKAKALA, Sister in Islam etc...
So.. here's my reply.... :
First of all... do you know what is fatwa????? If you don't know... please don't make any comment which is insulting Islam...
For your info.. FATWA is guidelines agreed by the Ulama... without having enforcement power to follow.. no arrest for those who don't follow... so it's up to MUSLIMS to decide to follow of not... If you don't follow.. it's between you and the god... but FATWA will be useful for MUSLIMS who want to follow religious teaching to be as a GUIDELINE..
The best case is.. Majlis FATWA had made a ruling that puting flowers at Tugu Negara is HARAM... but That Dollah Badawi went there every years to do so as he is a Islam Hadhari... Islam Ikut Hari... But DYMM Agong did not do that (Raja Perlis and current Agong) as they follow the fatwa that it is haram.. it's haram because it is a Syirik thing... so Dolah badawi will answer it with Allah... but he's not arrested for putting flower at Tugu negara...
So does the Amanah Saham Bumiputra.... as 25% of its NAV is invested in Maybank - a conventional bank involve in Interest/Riba which is haram in Islam... but many thousands of Muslims still invested in it and they are not arrested for it.. those who want to follow... will take their money elswhere like Prudential Unit Trust Islamic Funds which follows the Islamic financial guidelines....
To make it simple.. Hindu religion says that Hindu cannot eat beef.. so does this ruling too contravenes the UN convention too???
"cannot eat beef" for Hindu is a guideline for Hindus to follow... and not enforced on them...
veggies cannot eat meat... so does this also contravene the UN convention too??? were they arrested if they eat meat???
So... now you had made yourself look like a fool to comment about that Tomboy FATWA without having to know what is a FATWA????? hahahahha shame on you....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tomboy fatwa and comment by Non Muslims at malaysiakini blog rolls... my answer
Posted by
Anak Perelih
6:50 PM
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Dalam isu Khutbah Jumaat di Pulau Pinang dan Non-Muslim masuk kedalam Masjid, ianya menyerlahkan akan KEJAHILAN pemimpin UMNO tentang hukum hakam Islam...
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But isn't it haram to accept bribes and give them, than why is it, aren't the muslims going on the streets and protesting the corruption in UMNO, instead of coming out with more Fatwas. That why people have no respect for morons, on one side try to look very religeous, but on the other side do everything that is haram under islam, like getting drunk in public and grabbing butt, what about corruption, what about the recent case of father and son raping siblings, where is the fatwas on this, thats the problem with hypocrates, blind to elephants in front of the eyes but use microscope to look for bacteria. in other words looking for nothing important to make a molehill about, please lah before targetting the female population of malaysia, why not concentrate on the muslim males who seem to be very sesat relegeously.
Poorah...Do you know anything about hindu or Buddism religion???Now,you're making fool of your self.
therelah about the hindus, you show your total ignorance and sheer stupidity about the hindu customs which the peninsular and indonesian islands influenced for thousands of years before the arrival of islam. You can still find remnants of hindu dynasties in the forms of ruins of Borobudur and Prambanan temples and still practised in Bali. How easy to forget one's roots. Today you look down on hindu culture while your ancestors were praying there, my apologies to you if your ancestory is yemeni like our botak albar, than you ancestors must be the real rejects from yemen soceity who came to SE ASIA to cari makan.
to 1st anonymous..
Because bribes are clearly haram in islam... no need to issue a fatwa.. you should ask that question to those who protest against the Tomboy fatwa istead... why are they not protesting against all the bribes in UMNO, getting drunk in public and grabbing butt, corruption, case of father and son raping siblings???.. "thats the problem with hypocrates" which means in your word.. they are MORON... "blind to elephants in front of the eyes but use microscope to look for bacteria. in other words looking for nothing important to make a molehill about" see... looks like your own words are coming back to you... hehehe
to 2nd anonymous..
Do you means Hindu will be arrested if they eat beef????
see... I made that comment as a test to see you guys non Muslims... in order to point out my points... you've fail the test.... hehhea
the problem with Muslims these days is everyone wants to preach the religion and show that they are more pious ansd more Muslim that the other.
Finally no one practices Islam.
Even the corrupt fellows in UMNO like to talk so much about Islam
to those anonymous who are angry with me for commenting about Hindu.. well.. that's what we are feeling now with all those comments about Islam... I made the comment as a test to you guys.. but you've fail... so stop commenting about Islam without knowledge about it...
to malayamuda.. the answer to your comment is that .. it's because for the past 50 years we are under UMNO.. ie.. they don't really want it.... just to get political mileage..
we must regulate who can talk about Islam and who cannot, or else Muslims will get confused.
When corrupt politicians also can go to mosque to pray and get RTM to film them praying, then start speaking aboput religion like they are the most religious of all people.
Sabar Anak perelih,
Source : Wikipedia
Al-Kafirun (Arabic: سورة الكافرون) is the name of the 109th Sura (chapter) of the Qur'an. Al-Kafirun means "the Unbelievers."
Like many of the shorter suras, the Sura of the Unbelievers takes the form of an invocation, telling the reader something they must ask for or say aloud. Here, the passage asks one to keep in mind the separation between belief and unbelief both in the past and the present, ending with the often cited line "To you your religion, and to me mine".
Say: O disbelievers! (1)
I worship not that which ye worship; (2)
Nor worship ye that which I worship. (3)
And I shall not worship that which ye worship. (4)
Nor will ye worship that which I worship. (5)
Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion. (6)
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
1. قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ Katakanlah: "Hai orang-orang kafir,
2. لا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah,
3. وَلا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ Dan kamu bukan penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.
4. وَلا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَا عَبَدْتُمْ Dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah,
5. وَلا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ dan kamu tidak pernah (pula) menjadi penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.
6. لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ Untukmu agamamu, dan untukkulah agamaku
Anak Perelih said...
to 1st anonymous..
Because bribes are clearly haram in islam... no need to issue a fatwa.. you should ask
INI di panggil putar belit, pusing sini, pusing disana, wayang kulit dll lagi, if the muslims know taking bribes is haram than why don't they practise what they preach, i.e. if you know, mengapa tak ikut ajaran agama? mengapa berdegil lagi, mengapa bersumpah di masjid? adakah ini ajaran agama, dimana letaknya maruah orang melayu. You can twist and turn with your twisted logic, but the basic facts remain as seen daily by all of us the culture of melayu sesat and who sound so pompous, others don't wear their religion on their shoulders, like the malays, WHY, proof what to whom? For what? when you say others have no right to comment about islam and its policies because we are Al-Kafirun, but the problem, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER we the non muslims get affected by islamic fatwas, these have been seen many times with the moorthy body snatching, demolition of hindu temples, chinese tokongs, gerejas, permit issues for places of worship, all under the auspicious of ketuanan melayu, but when questioned, all proclaim the same excuse, you must not object, because it is islamic issue?, how much dumber can you get, when you start shafting your religeous views and pogroms down our throat, than we who get affected by your laws, it becomes our problems. When places of entertainment get raided by jakim and simmilar religeous authorities, you are already shoving your realigeon down our throats, now the excuse used is always that muslims are committing maksiat or indulging in haram activities, even if they work there. NOW I ASK YOU, IF ALL BUSINESSES START TURNING DOWN ENTERENCE TO MUSLIMS, than you proclaim the non bumis are discriminating against the malays, if we don't employ muslim waiters and waitresses, than it becomes a problem for you all, saying the non malays are practising discriminatory policies against the muslims/malays. so how than, do we hire you muslims and be prepared to get raided by jakim, 9WHO BTW ARE ACTUALLY LOOKING FOR ANG POW- ITS CALLED EXTORTION) or do we practise safe sex than, by not employing muslims, and than we have mobs foaming at the mouth and throwing tantrums, till than, stfu, you can't have your cake and eat it too. soo greedy, grow up lah, i'm sure the muslims can think for themselves what is right or wrong, WHERE were the relegeous authorities when tunku used to play poker and have a whisky soda on the side. thats the problem, when mahathir gave the realegeous authorities an inch they have grabbed the whole hand and are now try to infect others with their outdated views. grow up, all of you sound very, VERY STUPID.
buat apa nak jadi hypocrate melayu, pei sini dancuba fatwakan orang2 elite umno ini, KALAU BERANILAH
anon 9.51pm nov 12....
Hahaha i agree with one point on your convoluted sound stupid indeed!!
you're such an ignorant person...dont categorise in general lah...those muslims which are self secured and not in any way having inferiority complexes dont feel threated in any way.Grow up lah...hahaha
There's no such thing as a bad religion, but just a few Muslims who are in the right/wrong places have interpreted their own religion wrongly. If they continue this way, the world will see Islam as a medieval religion, horribly outdated and impractical in this world.
haiya...pening aku...any fatwa's involved with non-muslim?so for non-muslim...dont try b clever about our religion if u dun want us to b clever about urs...its like u are pilot,but act as a doctor...u barely know about islam and,we admit we barely know about dont touch any issues abour your religion and please dont touch us... u know the official religion 4 ur country?or u are not malaysian?or u just have the IC but dont know anything about rukun negara n history of our country...
come on...find facts n knowledge first to can show u are debating in educated manner...den,we can discuss as educated person..
i found this entry funny. same old Bolehland
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